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Rylan is a 5 year old kindergartener as well as a proud big brother. Rylan was born with Spina Bifida. He underwent his first surgery at only hours old to repair the opening in his back. At four days old he underwent another surgery to have a shunt placed in his head due to hydrocephalus.


Spina Bifida affected the lower part of Rylan's spine. He is unable to move his ankles or toes but has sensation throughout his legs. He uses a wheelchair most of the time,  but can walk short distances with the use of braces and a walker. He is currently dealing with a dislocated left hip and hip dysplasia in his right which is common with Spina Bifida due in part to muscle weakness.


Rylan is full of energy, fun, loving and so smart. He loves school, reading, math and, most of all, being a big brother. He also is a huge Star Wars fan, BB8 is his favorite. He is enjoying learning to play wheelchair basketball, loves the beach and adaptive surfing and starting to master doing wheelies.


Rylan is not limited by his disability, he knows he can do anything he wants and finds his own way of making things work for him. He is extremely independent and loves to learn new things all the time.

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